Occupational Therapy
Playing, Learning, and Interacting
The primary “occupations” of children are playing, learning, and interacting with others in a sensory rich environment. Occupational therapists teach children to problem solve through various motor skills or adaptive equipment.
Why Occupational Therapy?
Treatment Focuses On
Fine motor skills such as handwriting, tying shoes, and buttoning clothes.

How do I know my child needs an occupational therapy evaluation?
6 Months
- Cannot push up onto straight arms from tummy
- Does not bring hands together or hands to mouth
- Does not reach to grab for toys
- Does not track moving objects
12 Months
- Does not pick up things between thumb and pointer finger
- Does not explore food textures with hands and mouth
- Cannot drink from a cup with help
- Will not put small items in a container (like a block in a cup)
18 Months
- Does not point to show you things
- Does not help with dressing by pushing arms through sleeve or lifting a foot
- Does not play with toys
- Does not try to use a spoon
- Does not scribble with a crayon
2 Years
- Is not able to hold something in one hand while using the other; for example, holding a container to take a lid off
- Does not try to manipulate buttons, knobs or switches on a toy
- Does not play with more than one toy at a time, like putting a baby doll into a toy stroller
- Does not attempt to use a fork
3 Years
- Cannot draw a circle when shown how
- Is unable to use scissors
- Cannot not string items like large beads or macaroni
- Is unable to get undressed and does not attempt to dress without help
4-5 Years
- Cannot draw a cross or square when shown how
- Cannot trace or write name
- Cannot zip a jacket
- Is unable to dress independently
- Uses an immature grip when drawing with a crayon
Any Age
- Does not avoid touching hot objects when warned (like a stove)
- Has an excessive need for intense movement (jumping, rocking, spinning)
- Demonstrates excessive caution or fear of new experiences
- Gets distressed with grooming (brushing teeth, combing hair)
- Is overly sensitive to lights, sounds, touch and smells
- Is bothered by food or clothing textures
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Frequently Asked Questions
How do I know if my child needs occupational therapy?
Your child may benefit from a occupational therapy evaluation if they demonstrate:
- Difficulty with self-care activities such as feeding, bathing, dressing.
- Difficulty with coloring, handwriting or use of scissors
- Difficulty with visual attention (not looking at a task or poor eye contact with others)
- Tactile defensiveness (avoiding certain textures or behavioral outbursts with bathing/dressing/oral hygiene)
- Difficulty with motor planning or coordination (prefers to watch rather than participate on playground)
- Difficulty planning and executing activities that involve multiple steps
- Difficulty with transitions
What are some of the diagnoses treated by your occupational therapists?
Diagnoses treated by the occupational therapists at Joe’s Kids include but are not limited to:
- Developmental or Fine Motor Delays
- Sensory Processing Disorder
- Autism
- Incoordination
- Learning disabilities
- Fetal Alcohol Syndrome
- Neurological conditions including but not limited to: cerebral palsy, stroke, muscular dystrophy, hydrocephalus, traumatic brain injury.
- Genetic disorders
- Orthopedic conditions involving the upper extremities